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NASA GoPro Spacewalk with Terry Virts

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Category: SPACE WALK

This footage was taken by U.S. astronaut Terry Virts during two spacewalks (EVAs) on the International Space Station on February 25, 2015 and March 1, 2015.

On EVA #30, Virts and fellow astronaut Barry “Butch” Wilmore routed a series of cables in preparation for the arrival of two International Docking Adapters later in 2015. Virts also lubricated elements at the latching end of the space station’s Canadarm2 robotic arm while Wilmore prepares the Tranquility module for the relocation of the Permanent Multipurpose Module and the arrival of the Bigelow Expandable Activity Module (BEAM) later this year.

On EVA#31, the pair routed 400 feet of cable and installed several antennas associated with the Common Communications for Visiting Vehicles system known as C2V2. Boeing’s Crew Transportation System (CST)-100 and the SpaceX Crew Dragon will use the system in the coming years to rendezvous with the orbital laboratory and deliver crews to the space station.
